United Students Against Sweatshops is an organization of students and community members at over 200 campuses. We are part of a movement that supports the struggles of working people and challenges corporate power. We work to build power on campuses, we develop solidarity with workers. The energy and lessons from those campaigns have deepened our commitment to support the rights of working class people everywhere. People get ready, because it's all just beginning...
What's New?
- Songbook of Anti-Sweatshop Christmas Carols is now online, including 30 songs compiled from USAS's glorious carolling history. Read directions for printing out this songbook here.
- New resources have been added to the website -- check them out here.
- The USAS national leadership held a face-to-face meeting in New York City
in September. Decisions and plans made
at that meeting will be posted here soon.
- Victory at New Era! The 11-month strike ended in June when workers ratified a new contract with New Era. Read the USAS press release about New Era - Press Release (word doc).
- Affiliate your campus group with USAS
- Oxfam Collegiate Click Drive - Mobilizing students to become active citizens of the global community.
- The Fight for Botanicals Movement needs your help. For more information, follow the link here.
If you have come to help me, you are wasting your time;
But if you've come because your liberation is bound up with mine,
Then let us work together. - Lilla Watson
Website by New Digital Partnership